Fundraising in Uncertain Times

Economic recessions are a fact of life. They are not easy times; however, we need to embrace these time periods rather than sit in idle as a fundraiser. Missions need to go on and so does fundraising, because recession or not, donors like to give. Keep in mind gifts sizes may be smaller or donors may prioritize who they give to. Yet, don’t let that stop you from asking. Therefore, consider the following approaches:

  1. Do not stop!
  2. Communicate with your donors. Let them know how you are doing. Tell them if your needs are up and you need their help.
  3. Continue to grow your donor base. You may want to utilize cheaper measures, such as social media.
  4. Get personal and be real. If you need funding, state so. However, make sure it is a need versus a want, as donors may be prioritizing their giving.
  5. Make it easy for donors to give, no matter how hard the time.
  6. Be flexible. Maybe suggest monthly giving versus a lump sum to achieve their giving objectives or non-monetary ways to give.
  7. Don’t be all doom and gloom; focus on the good of the organization, too.
  8. Thank your donors often. All the personalization will not make up for the sense of abandonment when a donor makes a gift and they do not hear from you.
  9. Lastly, when the economy returns to full strength, launch a strategy that will allow your non-profit to put funds away for the next time. Plus, have a plan in place that determines when to use your reserves, so that when the times comes, you can execute promptly.

Your organization’s work is critical, so keep up the good work and use the above tactics to get you through this tough time.